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Welcome to Beyond The Stacks

May 12, 2022:

Byline: Kristin Hart, University Dean of Libraries and Information Resources.

It’s common to hear about extraordinary librarians as if they’re something distinct. But we all know colleagues who’re doing extraordinary things. Whether it’s supporting community, creating opportunities, or making an impact with their teaching and research, these individuals—librarians, archivists, library chiefs, and student workers—are innovators. We will feature stories about librarians, library workers and students who are doing innovative work in our libraries and with our CUNY communities. They’re leading and transforming the field. In the Beyond The Stacks blog, we’ll be going to the heart of what drives them and examine how their work is important to us, librarians, to the academic community, and to our city. 

Lastly, we report on the goings on in the Office of Library Services (OLS) world, with upcoming events. Take a few minutes and explore. We would love to hear from you. Please share any ideas that will help us promote engagement with our alumni community. If you have a story idea, comments, or suggestions, please connect with us.